Congregational Theatre, Storytelling Arts and the Biblical Imagination

What do you get when you combine the often dormant stories that lie deep in a congregation’s spiritual DNA, a ready-made stage and open-hearted audience, and an intergenerational community practiced in drama, music, and prayer?

A storytelling experience that straddles heaven and earth.

Story Guild


    Original scripts adapted from the Hebrew Bible, set to music, choreographed and performed by an intergenerational cast each spring.


    Original scripts from the New Testament set to music, choreographed and performed by an intergenerational cast each fall.

“Where my story and God’s Story meet.”

— Story Guild tagline

Story Arts

Forest Stories is the onsite class for piloting Sacred Canopy’s Story Arts middle grade curriculum (Grades 4-7). It locates biblical narrative in its original mythically-animated context, where the gods of ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Egypt were as much a part of the ancient imagination as shopping malls and movie theatres are for children today. It is not possible to fully comprehend the significance of the Hebrew’s God YHWH and the political nobodies He allied with, without understanding the broader landscape in the this story was forged. 

Forest Stories takes place September through June on Sunday mornings (10:45-11:45) at the Centre for Peace (Canadian Memorial United Church), 1825 W. 16th, Vancouver, Canada.